Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brainstorm online with Easily create colorful mindmaps to print or share with others.
So easy to use.  Students can save their work online and access it from any computer. This is a great tool to use to encourage students to organize their ideas.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shorten A Web Address

Many times we need to give students URL links (web addresses) to access websites. These  URL's can sometimes be extremely long with special characters.
The following are a list of websites that will allow you to create shortened URL's for any website. Keep in mind, you really aren't changing the URL you are only creating a link that is easier to remember.
and it's free....... 

1.     Allows you to paste in several URL's so that student only need the one you give them in order to access several websites.
2.    can customize name 
1.    can customize name

Friday, April 1, 2011


SchoolTube is a K-12 media sharing website designed by teachers for their school community. SchoolTube is recommended by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and many other well-respected middle and high school national associations. SchoolTube authorizes you to use any of their links or embedding codes in your school newsletters, websites, or to pass on to your friends and family.  The following are examples of the types of videos that are being uploaded by schools to SchoolTube.  What a great safe environment for schools to post video to and it's free.